Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X

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New Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X scans arrange been released, which revealed a brand contemporary character exclusive to the re-establish. If you didn't already find out the prior news article almost the game, Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon was originally released 10 years past on the Game Boy Color and was a very impressive game in support of its age.
Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X, Namco Bandai, Sony PSP, Sony The contemporary character is named Londrine/Londrine (the romanized English refer to wasn't built-in with this scan), and it appears she is looking in support of Dhaos (the inspect mentions the gift to travel concerning the ancient times and imminent, but it's not unmistakable if this is discussion hardly almost Dhaos or both of them). She appears to manipulate a kind of flog in battle, which attacks much like a regular sword would.
The inspect moreover shows with the intention of a little of the scenes will fool around unacceptable with static backgrounds behind the text boxes, as can be seen in the vicinity of the top everywhere both Dhaos and the contemporary playable character are introduce.
Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X, Namco Bandai, Sony PSP, Sony The contemporary character is named Londrine/Londrine (the romanized English refer to wasn't built-in with this scan), and it appears she is looking in support of Dhaos (the inspect mentions the gift to travel concerning the ancient times and imminent, but it's not unmistakable if this is discussion hardly almost Dhaos or both of them). She appears to manipulate a kind of flog in battle, which attacks much like a regular sword would.
The inspect moreover shows with the intention of a little of the scenes will fool around unacceptable with static backgrounds behind the text boxes, as can be seen in the vicinity of the top everywhere both Dhaos and the contemporary playable character are introduce.
Great work, i apprecaited thanks.
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